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Ergoswiss relies on SAP Business ByDesign

Cloud ERP meets ergonomics: Ergoswiss scales production with SAP Business ByDesign and aims to double its turnover.

Schriftzug ErgoSwiss table lift systems, welches das Unternehmenslogo der ErgoSwiss AG darstellt.
Werkzeugbox und Hammer, welche auf einem  höhenverstellbaren Tisch der ErgoSwiss AG liegen - für mehr Ergonomie an Produktionsarbeitsplätzen
Werkzeugbox, höhenverstellbarer Tisch, Arbeitsschuhe der ErgoSwiss AG
Werkzeugbox, höhenverstellbarer Tisch, Arbeitsschuhe der ErgoSwiss AGfür mehr Ergonomie an Produktionsarbeitsplätzen

Redefining ergonomics in the workplace

Zwei Mitarbeiter der ErgoSwiss AG, welche in der Produktionshalle stehen und die Ware prüfen. Ergo Swiss setzt sich für mehr Ergonomie an Produktionsarbeitsplätzen ein.

The Swiss company Ergoswiss AG, headquartered in Widnau (SG), is committed to improving ergonomics at production workstations – in all sectors. The company develops and produces hydraulic and spindle lifting systems for workbenches, assembly workstations, packing tables, industrial kitchens, watchmaking tables and many other workstations.

Goals on the way to the cloud

Digitization was the main focus of this project.

Creating the basis for scaling

Ergoswiss aims to double its turnover within five years without expanding the team. Digitization is the backbone of this strategy, and an end-to-end ERP system is the key to this.

Optimization of production

By moving away from manual Excel lists to an integrated ERP system, Ergoswiss is hoping for a significant increase in efficiency and a reliable planning basis for production.

Increased efficiency through process integration

An improvement in internal processes and a clear assignment of responsibilities are core concerns of the production employees, which are to be realized with the implementation of SAP Business ByDesign.

This is how Ergoswiss proceeded

Selection of the ERP system

After an intensive selection process, Ergoswiss decided in favour of SAP Business ByDesign, with a particular focus on the detailed mapping of production processes.

Intensive requirements analysis

Together with all4cloud, a detailed analysis of the existing processes was carried out to determine the specific requirements.

Integration and customisation

The system was customised to interact seamlessly with existing interfaces and applications.

Results from Ergoswiss

More transparency and efficiency

The introduction of SAP Business ByDesign led to improved transparency and reduced susceptibility to errors, bringing Ergoswiss closer to its growth targets

Cost savings realized

Automation eliminates many redundant communication channels and manual documentation. This leads to long-term savings in process costs and better utilization of human resources for more demanding activities.

Customers about the process with us:

Andreas Heuscher, CTO der ErgoSwiss AG
Andreas Heuscher


The software promises us better controlling, an attractively presented overview of all key figures and the associated number-based decision-making aids.

Your requirements.
Our expertise.

Your requirements are unique – and so is our expertise. Make an appointment for an ERP potential discussion and benefit from fast go-live times and customized support. We look forward to optimizing your processes!